As I sit here, having just returned from church, my mind is lead to a recent entry in my journal. Many think that I am a bit mad and gone too far and that I have my head in my bible too much (you must be joking). I care not! (Psalm 56:11) Christ can be my judge.
A TV advert which I have despised has made me think. "I AM A PC!" Those words always evoke the response from me "No, I am not a PC!" But, having said that (and my hatred of the advert still remains) there are aspects that provide good lessons.
When it comes to hearing The Word and responding to the message, we can be very much like a PC. Take the Gospel, for example: We can hear it, we can know it, we can appreciate its depth, its meaning, we may be able to recite texts to explain it and possibly even believe what we have heard and yet something is missing.
Our modern terminology is not helping. The current phrases used for 'conversion' are now 'made a commitment', 'made a decision for Christ', 'accepted Jesus into his life'. It was not much different when I came to Christ in the late 70's. You just prayed this prayer and you were in. I have no recollection of the prayer that I was lead through but I did get a handout that was called the 'ABC of Salvation' and I was left in no doubt what Christ had done and what I had prayed. Acknowledgment of sin and a true repentance, Belief and trust in Jesus Christ, Confession of my previous life of sin and a promise to follow Christ.
Our new terms do not measure. I understand the term 'accepted Christ' but honestly, it is so misleading to put the whole contract into such a trite phrase. Surely, it is Christ who accepts us and not the reverse! Again, it is not whether or not 'I know Christ' but whether 'Christ knows me'. On the judgement day, to those who are banished, God will say 'Depart from me'... "I never knew you!" (Matthew 7:23) . If I go to Buckingham Palace and ask to be allowed in, I will not be allowed in because I know The Queen. Everyone knows her. The key would be, that The Queen knows me!
We need our thinking straightened out. A mere decision to follow Christ is not evidence of any conversion or salvation because that decision begins and ends with me. When Lazarus was called from the tomb, did he sit in there in the stink and death thinking "shall I go or shall I just stay here?" He arose and left the tomb. If a drowning man is thrown a life-belt in a raging sea, does he make a decision to reach for it? If a woman is surrounded by fire and the firefighter enters the room with breathing apparatus, an axe and flameproof blanket, does she take time to think about it? To all these, the answer is no. In modern terms 'it's a No-Brainer'.
Once it has been revealed to us our state in sin, our destiny, our utter hopelessness and depth of depravity, why would we need to make a decision. "Mmmmm.. well I know I am a sinner and bound for God's judgement without Christ and it all makes sense but no thanks, it's not for me." This does not happen! What does happen is that a person does not believe that God even exists, that Christ died for them, that they are sinful and in need of Christ - In fact, most unbelievers believe that they are good and in no need of saving. It has little, if anything to do with a decision. No one comes to Christ unless God draws him (John 6:44)
Anyway, with all this considered, thinking about our PC (getting back to my original point) nothing will make any difference to my life unless I 'hit the button'. I can get all sorts of warning messages on my PC, updates, changes to how a page is set up, global templates and all sorts. I can jump through lots of hoops, tick lots of boxes, agree to licence agreements etc. etc. And yet, unless I click the 'APPLY' box, nothing changes! I can have spent a long time altering, editing, learning and if that box is not clicked then it is meaningless and worthless.
The same is true for us. All we hear needs to be applied and if there is no fruit in our lives then, in all honesty, no changes have been made. Let us also remember that once significant changes are made to your PC, it requests that you restart your computer in order that the changes take effect. RESTART NOW! On my PC I am invited to postpone restart but scripture says 'today' (Hebrews 4:7)

Christian, have we left church today, having heard something that should change us? So let us apply what we have received. I hope this opens up some thought. Be challenged and encouraged.
By the way. Don't ever think that I am lecturing from a place anywhere else than alongside. At times I do not apply, I ignore, I delay.. I have rebelled as much as anyone. It took time for some changes to take place and God calls us onwards. But even when struggling with overcoming particular sin, the change is that the nature and desire is not to sin. There is a heart change that takes place, even though we still live in this body of flesh. Read Paul. (Romans 7:17 onwards), which I am sure you know well.
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