Thursday, 23 February 2012

Spurgeon's Bible Treasury - ENOCH

Such a long time since I wrote anything.

Picked up an 8 Volume set of Spurgeons Treasury of the Bible today.
Really thrilled to have it. Thanks to The Salvation Army second hand books.

I hope to post up some various slices of the sermons I read. They are all pretty long but I may only pick a sentence from here or there. I will have 2,600 to choose from. Today, I was reading about Enoch. There is not much in the bible about Enoch apart from a couple of places.

‘Enoch walked with God: and he was not; For God took him.’
Genesis 5:24

From Sermon - ENOCH P33

I buried yesterday, one of the excellent of the earth, who loved and feared and served his God far better than most of us... One of the last wishes of his heart he had committed to writing in a letter to a friend , when he had little thought of dying. It was this, “I have longed to realise the life of Enoch, and to walk with God”.

Oh for a closer walk with God! He did but write what you and I also feel... I hope a consideration of the life of Enoch may help you towards the realisation of your wish.

What is meant by Enoch’s walking with God? His walk was testimony that Enoch was well pleasing to God... for the Lord will not walk with a man in whom He has no pleasure. Can two walk together accept they agree? If men walk contrary to God, He will not walk with them. Walking implies amity, friendship, intimacy, love and these cannot exist between god and the soul unless the man is acceptable unto the Lord.

If Enoch had been pleasing to God by virtue of some extraordinary gifts and talents or by reason of some marvellous achievements or miraculous works we might have been in despair... No man can be pleasing to God till sin is pardoned and righteousness imputed. No beloved, by faith, Enoch became pleasing to God, and by faith he walked with God. Let us follow in his tracks.

He walked with God. It was not that he thought of God merely, that he speculated about God, that he argued about God, that he read about God, that he talked about God, but he walked with God... In his daily life he he realised that God was with him and he regarded Him as a living friend, in whom he confided and by whom he was loved.

I scarcerly know an intercourse that is more free, pleasant and cordial, than that which arises out of consistent walking with a friend. If I wished to find a man’s most familiar friend, it would surely be one with whom he daily walked... When persons are constantly in the habit of walking together from choice, you may be quite sure there are many communications between them, with which no stranger may intermeddle.

What a splendid walk! A walk of three hundred years! One might desire a change of company if he walked with anybody else, but to walk with god for three centuries was so sweet, that the patriarch kept on with his walk until he walked beyond time and space, and walked into paradise...

He did not commune with God in fits and starts, but he abode in the conscious love of God. He did not now and then climb to the heights of elevated piety and then descend into the marshy valley of lukewarmness; but he continued in the calm, happy, equable, enjoyment of fellowship with God from day to day...

So I gather that Enoch’s life was a spiritual progress, he went from strength to strength, and made headway in the gracious pilgrimage. May God grant us to be pressing onward ourselves.

These snippets have merely written in the dust on the surface of this sermon. I trust it brings encouragement and a desire to hunger after the life Enoch knew.

Christ says in Matthew 11 – “Come to Me”.

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